The Armada Is Arriving

The Armada ships are arriving and I have to say, they are gorgeous.

A little smaller than I thought (which is good), they are as detailed and as well painted as the best X Wing ships. There is a lot more in the box, game and “bits” wise, and one ship goes further so the higher price is justified.

An X Wing in for scale, because I have found very few “Scale” helpful images on line, in fact there seems to be very few X Wing + Armada sites, most have chosen their flavour and gone one way only. All of these are small base ships, but the bigger o…

An X Wing in for scale, because I have found very few “Scale” helpful images on line, in fact there seems to be very few X Wing + Armada sites, most have chosen their flavour and gone one way only. All of these are small base ships, but the bigger ones of those. The still to arrive Imperial class Star Destroyer is 20cm long (for 1600m), roughly twice the length of the Gladiator (right) and many times it’s volume. The reality is it should be double that again, but FFG have managed to successfully fudge the scaling for practicality (like X Wing’s Huge ships) . Even the giant 2+ ft SSD is actually 16km long so it should actually be over 100 times the length of a 6cm (150m) CR-90.

Most of my collection will live here in common sense land, with the ISD and Onager noticeably-intentionally much larger. It seems the medium sized ships are fairly consistent with each other (about 1/3000 scale or so with the larger ones reduced and smaller ones (especially fighters) increased proportionately. The Death star would likely be the size of a soccer ball, way too small, but big enough for what it is.

The Invisible Hand (bottom) is a large base ship, but they are on taller stems, so I dropped it onto a smaller one for photography. Don’t let the kids near it!

The Invisible Hand (bottom) is a large base ship, but they are on taller stems, so I dropped it onto a smaller one for photography. Don’t let the kids near it!

The fighter detail is amazing. I appreciate the base colour as a good start for basic painting, but the moulds are deeply cut enough for another coat and wash.

The fighter detail is amazing. I appreciate the base colour as a good start for basic painting, but the moulds are deeply cut enough for another coat and wash.

Something that threw me was it’s card sleeve needs. The older ship cards are Tarot (70x120), the newer ones standard. The older upgrades are X Wing 1e sized (mini American), the later ones standard also and the card pack is all standard. If I had the original Core set (now coming*), I would need some square 70mm as well, so I’m glad I dodged that bullet (really don’t want a Victory class-ha ha, see below).

It will be a looooong week or more before the rest arrive.

Enough time to digest the rules.

*I went to get just the cards for Luke and Howlrunner, some more dice, a CR-90 and another Imperial Fighter pack 1 (just for the Tie’s) and realised I had spent more than half the value of a core set, without getting the other two ships, better fighter balance and all the other stuff. Nice one FFG, you win :).
