Lets look at the Rebels in Bare Bones* X Wing 1e.
The Rebel “vibe” is generally tough ships, plenty of Ordnance, good and numerous Crew, Pilots and Droids. Overall, they are slower and less manoeuvrable than Imperials** and lack the tricks of Scum, but are solid and team up well.
Note; the E and K wings have been excluded as they are post Vader/Palpatine (New Republic) ships.
A band of Brothers, still potent even without titles.
The X Wing
The best known and probably most loved fighter in the Star Wars universe, the X Wing got some love early, then fell out of favour as newer builds outperformed it, returning too late in 1e with some “tacked-on” options. If looked at in it’s purest form and against it’s true peers (Tie Advanced, Kihraxz), it holds up as a conservative but solid ship. What makes it special of course are the Pilot and Droid synergies available.
Strengths; Pilots, Droids, balanced.
Weaknesses: Predictable to fly (without Pilot/Droid abilities).
The Y Wing
The Y wing had a similar history to the X Wing, that managed to rise a little higher in later life with new upgrades, which more often than not were used with the Scum faction. Again with BB, it has a role to play as the tough ordnance/gunboat option as it was in the movies. Most useful builds tend to revolve around a semi swarm of tough ships or as turret platforms.
Strengths: Turret, cheap, Droid.
Weaknesses; Boring to fly, Droid upgrades tends to be predictable.
The A Wing
The little A Wing, much loved by many, but not as often flown could be quite a package after the Rebel Veterans pack was released. In BB it lacks many of the EPT/title options that made it strong (but so to do it’s opponents) and it holds the title as the fastest ship in BB with Boost and a green 5 move. Straddling a middle ground between interceptor, front line fighter and swarmer, it is a typically “heroic” Rebel ship. The Pilots have a dare devil feel, even without double EPT’s.
Strengths; Green 5 speed + Boost, Proton Rockets, Pilots, can be cheap.
Weaknesses; It’s all in how you fly them.
The B Wing
The odd B Wing is a hard to classify ship. Heavy fighter, light bomber or special function platform, it has the ability to be a surprise packet or just a slow blocker/damage absorber with it’s strong shields.
Strengths; Systems + ordnance, tough, quite manoeuvrable close, versatile, some interesting Pilots.
Weaknesses; Undefined, slow.
Possibly my favourite Rebel ship, even without it’s “Rebel Refit” option, the ARC 170 has a unique Crew + Droid combination, rear arc and can be interesting to fly (it also looks tough). To me it is like a B Wing/Y Wing/X Wing hybrid.
Strengths; Crew + Droid combo’s, Multi directional Primary, Pilots, Tough, well rounded.
Weaknesses; Weak primary attack (but multi directional).
Z95 Escort
The Z 95 (Headhunter) is a cheap, solid but boring ship. A marginally weaker X Wing, it does offer good value as a blocker/filler and even has a couple of good pilot options. As a rebel ship, I see it as an escort, slotted into a squad with a lazy 12-20 points to spend or a cheap support swarm.
Strengths; Cheap blocker/Missile platform/squad filler, The Rebels only swarm option.
Weaknesses; A slow swarm ship.
The Hawk is like a weak Lambda Shuttle. It can support well with it’s turret and crew, as well as the Rebel pilots are generally very supportive. Unexciting, but often underestimated, The HWK can be the hinge an interesting mixed squad can swing off and it has tons of history.
Strengths; Turret, Pilot + Crew synergies.
Weaknesses; Worst primary attack of 1 forces points being sunk into the turret, not fun to fly, butt ugly.
Attack Shuttle
A ship only available in 1e (the 2e Ghost only offers the later Sheathipede), the Attack Shuttle or Phantom (1) is attack heavy, making it the perfect sacrifice escort, annoying distraction or ambusher. It is also one of very few Rebel ships that offers Evade + Turret + Crew upgrade.
Strengths; Turret + Crew, Evade.
Weaknesses; Unique, Brittle.
The famous Millenium Falcon is still a potent ship without it’s titles and is indeed one example of how BB makes the ship good because of it’s Pilot, Crew and player, not simply because it has a tile that adds Evade. Sporting one of only two turret primary weapons in BB, some iconic and strong Pilots (The TFA crew and pilot options are allowed giving you two Han and Chewbacca options), and plenty of hardiness, the Falcon is a pivotal ship for the Rebels and can still be fielded as a slightly less indestructible “Fat Han” on a diet. Like the Decimator, the turret primary weapon makes flying it a bit two dimensional, but as a unique, legendary (and expensive) ship, it is forgiven it’s excesses.
Strengths; Strength, Turret + Crew, Pilots, manoeuvres well (for a big ship).
Weaknesses; Half a squad of points, only two weapon options, tends to get picked on.
Auzituck Gunship
The Wookie Auzituck gunship is a strange one. It looks pretty tame on the surface. Not much of an action bar, run-of-the-mill looking dial, only crew upgrades, but it’s pilots and those crew options can make it a good squad player and it has the unique to BB, Reinforce action. It can play as a tougher, faster HWK or a small and light YT1300.
Strengths; Tough and fast.
Weaknesses; Not versatile.
Like the Falcon (above), the non titled 2400 is an interesting option. The pilots still tend to give it the slippery, rugged character it was known for and with Crew and a Cannon, it can pack a punch, while pulling off some amazing manoeuvres for a big ship. It has 16 non-red manoeuvre options, which is tied with the best ships in the game, plenty of toughness and a Barrel Roll, so manoeuvring is key.
Strengths; Moves well, takes a beating, strong Pilots.
Weaknesses; Needs to be flown to it’s strengths (in asteroids).
The Ghost is the strongest ship in the Rebel fleet. The title would have only added the option of docking the Phantom, so as is, it is effectively at full strength in itself, with or without the Attack shuttle as back-up. Packing a massive 4 primary attack (the highest in BB without the Phantom), 16 total hits, equal to the Decimator, an Evade option, a System slot to go with 2 Crew and a Turret, the VCX is unique and dangerous, not to mention about twice the bulk of the Millenium Falcon.
Strengths; Overall a mauler, lots of synergies, very tough, intimidating on the table, Evade.
Weaknesses; A big ship that hogs points and becomes the primary target.
Sheathipede Shuttle
The Sheathipede, or Phantom 2, introduces Coordination into the BB game. This is again a team oriented ship, like many Rebel options, and can be both useful and surprising. It also sports some fine pilots.
Strengths; Coordination, Pilots.
Weaknesses; Brittle.
(Late Inclusion) GR-75 Transport
One of two single card Huge ships in the game**, the transport offers lots of support options, for the price of a n X Wing Ace. Cargo, Huge ship crew and it’s action bar with Jam, Reinforce, and Coordinate, make it the ultimate backup/blocker.
Strengths; Strong in defence and support.
Weaknesses; Basically no offence (some Cargo options), Huge ship movement and energy mechanics.
The U wing is from the new movies and the T-70 and Bomber COME FROM A DIFFERENT TIME IN THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE (and are separated in 2e for that reason) so they are not included.
*Bare Bones uses original movie or early extended universe ships (what were available before the new movies), with inherent Pilot skills, basic Ordnance and Crew load-outs, with Illicit, Droid, Salvaged Droid and System upgrades as a point of difference. There are deliberately no title, Modification, Tech (TFA era) or Elite Pilot Talents.
The reasons for this are two fold. EPT’s especially “break” the game, add too many layers of synergy for casual players and too much advantage to more experienced ones, make some classic ships sub-par and rob the game (in my view) of it’s natural balance and feel. The excluded upgrades, I feel, are game based, not simulation based.
**Originally, I intended to only get the single card Huge ships, because both (GR-75 and C-Roc) added new small ship options and were “tame” enough to fit in a small ship dynamic. I eventually lusted after the Raider, so the good guys had something truly intimidating (mini Death Star scenario) to take on and it had some Tie Advanced options.
An option is to expand the game to unique named Titles only, giving the Rebels and Scum an advantage.
**Most Imperial ships have Barrel Roll or Boost, only one Rebel has Boost and only four have Barrel Roll.