The Big Reality.

Light is all.

It is the core of photography, video and all art forms really. How light is controlled and used, how it works with the final element, what is adds are the key to art.

I am dealing with a reality that it needs to be dealt with a little better than it is.

Basically I need more light in fewer options. Light for video and constant light for portraiture. I have a quad of cheap 60-80w COB lights, the same in LED panels, two portable 60w COB (Smallrig and Amaran), lots of mods and lots of ideas.

What I do not have, without setting up multiple weaker lights, is something that can punch a bit harder, maybe even be daylight for me when needed.

This, more thn most things I touched on previously is a case of “making do” not really being enough.

The older RC220D from Smallrig is on sale at the moment ($249au), probably in response to the new model coming, but anyway, it is cheap, really cheap. I was interested in the Pro model, except the handy V-mount option is quite weak and the cost was prohibitive.

The older 220D is only a little dearer than the 120D at the moment, so no point in saving a little to lose a lot. I like the Daylight model because it is stronger than the Bi-colour, while being cheaper.

This, a Smallrig lantern, 55cm soft box, the two 60’s, some motivation light and some diffuser panels and I should be set. Book light is the ideal and one of the easiest to do in the field (a cheap reflector and diffuser sheet of white cloth)

This will be able to fill a 72” brolly, a lantern, a large soft box with grid, manage book light and even fake some sunlight.

The little 60’s then become the perfect environment boosters adding fill, hair and background light.