The local swimming baths, always a tricky spot and today, I only had the sort of time the paper usually allowed, i.e. not much, but at least I did not have to chase names!
A rare decent backstroke image, the least giving of strokes.
A warm up shot for both of us. At this point I was competing with lens fogging and very poor light, but the files cleaned up well.
The usual combination of crowded spaces, fogged lenses (really bad today with foul weather outside straight to high humidity-about a 15 degree and 70% humidity change), limited angles due to sharing the pool with several school not in my remit and poor light.
A 600mm between the officials.
On top of that, I only had a half hour.
Luckily, there were medley relays first up, so all age groups, genders and strokes, which is good because only breast stroke and butterfly are reliable for good images.
Back stroke and free style are less giving photo wise, but can be interesting if you are lucky.
I guess I have the measure of this tricky location now, but it still gives me the jitters before hand.