Why do something one way, when the general consensus is to do it another?
People who would change the world tend to do things at odds with the norm, otherwise they would, well…. be the norm and nothing would change.
If you want to do something and feel it is right, but have doubts, then you should face the doubts and doubters head on. Want to give something away when others tell you never give anything away that can be sold? Want to do something better, longer or deeper than the minimum required?
Your choice, your path, your reasons.
If you want to do something not to the mainstream way of thinking, but you came to that thinking after experimentation, used your own eyes and followed your gut, then keep following that gut feeling, let it rule. It is meant to win sometimes.
Trends tend to be powerful things, it’s what they do, just ask any marketing guru.
Following trends has it’s perils.
If you do, you may become blind to other options, options that may have been trends themselves if they were first or better driven.
Life can be confusing and everyone has an opinion.
If you reject them, then you fall out of step and have to hope that over time, your purer pathway will stand up as well or better than the oft forgotten fashion blip.
There are people out there doing their work regardless of, even in spite of, the latest hot thing. They are the people revealed when a trend re-visits their space. They are there, quietly doing their trade and when that fad dies again, as it always will, they will continue.
It is easy to accuse some people committed to thier chosen task of being unable to change or “go with the times”, but sometimes, a thing or idea is in need of a champion, it needs to exist.
What tends to make them stick to their guns is substance.
Substance always trumps gimmicks, genuine people overcome poor idols, reality and truth defeats the best fabrication, it just sometimes needs a special type of person to see that and hold their course.
Hold your course.
Time will come.